“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”
Author: disgruntled
Intangibles Who Has Them?
I hear this phrase quite often, usually in the context of an athlete.
“He has all the intangibles”
1. Incapable of being perceived by the senses.
2. Incapable of being realized or defined.
3. Incorporeal.
I really don’t think the phrase means what they think it does.
On Being Thrown Under the Bus
Anyone have a clue where the phrase “threw him under the bus” derives from? It apparently means to reveal information about a friend for personal gain, usually the friend does not deserve the treatment.
If I understand cliches I believe the original statement has to have actually meant something and quite possibly be a valid insight. Then through overuse it loses its original firm meaning.
So I ask, who exactly was thrown under the first bus and why?
I Almost Did It
I almost did a lot of things today, right now a vacuum is sitting five feet a way from me, all plugged in ready to go. It has the potential to vacuum, I however do not plan on using it, and I do plan on telling my wife I almost did.
Saying I almost did it is very different than saying no I did not vacuum, hopefully she will think maybe I received a phone call or had some more important business to attend to.
Requires Further Testing
Sometimes I think the people I meet are very stupid, however I find it very difficult to be sure, they seem to be able to hide it really well, they seem to sneak it out only on special occasions. To be certain I think I would need to go to their house with a scientist and observe them in their natural environment.
White Courtesy Telephone
Years ago if you wanted to talk to someone at the airport you would call the airport and they would page the person, a voice would gently ring out “Mr. K, please pick up the nearest white courtesy telephone”. Try and imagine a courtesy phone.
Last time I spoke to an airlines I had to remind the person that the sound coming out of my mouth was actually a sophisticated communication system that in the past was studied and occasionally used to trade disparaging comments.
Remember When Music Had Notes?
One thing that use to be popular was to play music on an instrument.
Somehow absurdity has become the norm. Being a nitwit is admirable. Serious discussions about issues without reducing things to cliches seems highly unlikely.
Access To Your Computer
Access to your computer anywhere you are somehow has been accepted as a good thing. The idea that you can work anywhere anytime just doesn’t seem to register as bad.
It is everywhere, it has taken over.