So career advice from a child? Really a good thing?
Author: disgruntled
Ever See A Computer Genius In A Movie Use a Mouse?
Never, you’ll never see it, they just type real fast, then they save the world. Seems like they could simply use a mouse and launch the missile control software, its got to be right in the start menu.
I keep hearing these words being used: money shot and blew his wad. I am pretty sure these don’t mean what the guy on the evening news thinks they mean.
I Met a Data Doctor
Whats up with wanting to see my data?
Look At It With Your Real Eyes
(Season 1 Louie) … not with your crazy eyes.
Just Like A Simile
I sometimes wish things could be described just as they are, not with this odd relational database we’ve concocted.
On Meeting Your Dog
Just to be safe how about always assume I don’t want to meet your dog.
Pictures, On Taking a Lot of Them
Curious about all the pictures I see everyone taking, at some point after we have 20 photos of everything in the entire world, should we consider simply looking at the parade or remembering the sunset?
At The End Of The Day…
Another cliche that seems to have permeated all things media, seems to mean regardless of what you think or want “X” is the truth.
Awakened by Scansion
I remember when a drunken party thrown by your neighbors would illicit annoyance and a tiny bit of envy. Last nights sound track of a drum machine and an adolescent talking over it may have finally put my envy to bed. Something about Trochaic meter puts me to sleep.